Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 23/24 - Denia

Hey there everyone!!! 

Today is Saturday and some of the group took a trip to Alicante, but the train left at at like 8am and I stayed out a little too late so did not get up this morning lol!

I slept in and went to the mall :) Then I saw Harry Potter in Spanish, it was fabulous and I was so PROUD I could understand a lot of what was going on! Then I had dinner at a lovely place called La Port and of course grabbed ice cream for dessert! 

It was a very good relaxing day to rest from the busy week!


Sundayyyyyy..... so I got to sleep in :) I even skipped breakfast lol!

Then Lauren and I headed to the beach! With only 10 days left we are taking every chance we get to be there lol! We stopped and picked up a pizza, let me tell you that pizza + beach + lounge chairs + spain sun = heaven! :) 

Our lovely set up! Pizza, water to stay hydrated :), magazines.... could not get better!

I got a splendid nap in and we did our homework for tomorrow, SO studious!

Then before heading back we watched the sunset :)


Perfect end to the weekend, Espana I never want to leave!

Looking for Fame in Spain, 

Rachel :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 22 - Denia

Hola hola hola!!

Run down of my day....

Breakfast - strawberry yogurt with granola and a green apple ( i mean little green apple, right sarah lol)

Spanish Cultures class

Spanish Literature class - test

Lunch with Katherine at a yummy chinese place - almond chicken, delish!

Tutto Frutto - strawberry and chocolate gelato

Beach - todays beach trip was great! Valencia, Sara Beth, Katherine and I laid out in our chairs for hours! I got sooo much sun and Katherine and I really enjoyed people watching lol

Dinner - vegetable soup and chicken

Ok, so now that you can see what the day was like let me narrate the interesting night we had...

Well first off we started the night as a big group of 15 of us at one of our favorite hang outs - O'Rileys Irish Pub. We are friends with Eugene the bartender so it is a fun place to start the night. Erin and I started the night out there dancing of course!!

Please notice the lovely bronze color from the beach :)

After hanging here for a bit we wanted some place with more dancing so we went back to a place we had not been in awhile... the Indian place with the gypsy!

The music was GREAT there and we danced and danced! Andre was having the time of his life with the ladies because we ad another run in with the gypsy and this time we got a picture!

He was aware he didn't have to tip this time! lol!

Theeennn we met these girls from Valencia and they were celebrating a bachelorette party and they loved Andre as well! We all danced with them, they were a blast and so cute all dressed matching! The bride is in the blue wig!

They really made the night fun and were super nice!!

Anyway it was a great night, can't wait to see what tomorrow shall bring! :)

Looking for Fame in Spain,

Rachel :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 21 - Denia

Hey there friends!

Feeling better today, but still not 100% After lunch today Brittany and I walked to downtown and got some yummy frozen yogurt at out favorite place Llaollao! :) Ammmaazziinnngg!!!

Then we went down to the beach and got two lounge chairs and and umbrella :) it was perfect! We spent the afternoon studying for our test tomorrow and dozing off. The weather was amazing and and the view beautiful!!

Wish me luck on my test tomorrow :)

True Life: Study abroad

Looking for fame in Spain,

Rachel :)

Day 20 - Denia

Hello dolls,

Today I was feeling sick and so I took a personal day. Thank you to all of my followers and don't worry this weekend should have some good stuff coming up to make up for today. Also, some of you have requested a special "shopping" entry that shows all of my purchases thus far and don't think it has slipped my mind, my assistant is looking into the logistics.

I would like to take this entry to give a couple shout outs to some of my most loyal followers and loved ones...

Dad- First off thank you for making this trip possible, i love you more than life itself and you know that you mean the MUNDO (world in spanish lol) to me!

Mom - Thanks momma for helping me get ready for the trip and making this summer amazing with all our cooking and laying out! I love you so much and can't wait to be together when I get back!

Sister Sarah - Thank you for being there for me and for being my ginny pig with all my cooking :) i love you and look up to you more than you know! wish you were here!

Heather - well best friend since I was three, there are so many things to thank you for, but first off for making this amazing blog! you have more talent than anyone i know, i love you!!

Ro - my love, thank you for all your help and encouragement you give me with my espanol! I can't wait till I can talk to you todo in spanish! :)

Austin- you are a great friend and avid follower as I can tell from your quotes post on my wall :) love them! Thank you!!

Thanks everyone! there are obviously many more of you out there I love and if you are dying for a shout out show me what an avid follower you are ;)

Looking for Fame in Spain,


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 19- Denia

Hola! First day back to Denia and we once again had class in the morning, and theennn after lunch we headed out on a little adventure!

We went to a nearby city about an hour away called Guadalest and had a little picnic lunch and looked around the town. Then we headed to the main part of the excursion.

We went to this waterfall and it was BEAUTIFUL!!

Aannddd the water was FREEZING!!

We had a great time, but what a hike to get up there!!

Great day with great people!! :)

Looking for fame in Spain,


Day 18 - Barcelona

Last day in Barcelona! Today we went to this the area with a bunch of Gaudi buildings and it was so cool! The details in the architecture are amazziinngg!!!

This is where he lived in Barcelona!

Then we saw this tunnel thing that is actually really famous! It was actually in the season finale of America's Next Top Model with Melrose where they walked down the tunnel as like Zombie Brides.

SO COOL!! Below is a great view of a bunch of his work! It was pretty overwhelming, but really awesome!

That was the big highlight of the day! The rest of the day we just had a little more time in the city and Brittany and I grabbed a delicious lunch at a little cafe. It was super yummy! :)

Looking for fame in Spain,

Rachel :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 17 - Barcelona

Que tal amigos? I am still here going strong in Barcelona! Today first off I looked super cute beccauusee I wore one of my new dresses and a scarf I got in Madrid :)

First we went to this cliff that had an amazing view of the city!

Here is me and my roomie Lauren! After this we went to "Cataluna Museum" where there was lots of art, but I am not much of an artsy person soooo yyeeaaa lol! But them had some good views as well!

Afterrrr thhaattt we went to this little market place and they had the cutest shops! There was this really cool glass blowing place and guess what ferny girls it was just like making glass beads, but on a waaayyy bigger scale.

Aaannddd there was the most delicious chocolate shop called "La Casa de Chocolate" and I got some yuummyy pieces! 

YYAAAYYY! Now for the best part of the daaayyy that night we went to the theatre for the Flamenco performance! :)

It was amazing and me want to dance alllll night! Here is a picture of me before the show in front of the theatre, in a new dress  I bought in Barcelona!

Here is one of me and some of the girls after the show, showing off our flameco moves! :)

The show was fabulous!! What a wonderful day! :)

Looking for fame in spain, 
Rachel :)

Day 16 - Barcelona

Hola! Second day in Barcelona!! Today we went to "The Cathedral de Barcelona" and it was gorgeous!!

There is a dress code and you can't wear shorts or have exposed shoulders as a sign of respect. We saw them turn people away, so luckily we dressed correctly.

Then after that we went to the "Palau de La Musica Catalauna" a famous theatre that holds thousands of shows every year!

Me and some of the girls are going to see a Opera and Flamenco show there tomorrow night! :)

We stopped for lunch at this cute little cafe and I had some Nutella ice cream!!

After sight seeing during the day we went to this delicious asian restaurant on the beach that night! The view was gorgeous and the food soooo... yummyy!

We followed up by going to this Club/Lounge called Carpe Diem! Shout out Courtney!!! I took a photo for you!

It was a fun night! Thanks Barcelona ;)

Looking for Fame in Spain,


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 15 - Barcelona

Hola! Estoy in Barcelona! Omg arrived in Barcelona today and I am obsessed with the city already! I love the feel, the weather and the shooppinngg!!

Anyway it was a 6 hour drive from Denia for us to get here and once we arrived we went to the "Sagrada Familia" which is huge Roman Catholic church that was designed by an Catalan architect, Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926). The project was put on hold during the Spanish Civil War, but resumed progress in the 1950's and is currently being worked on today. It is said to be finished in 2026.

This a picture of outside, it is HUGE!

The inside is absolutely beautiful! The details are amazing!

That afternoon we went downtown and I did a little shopping at H&M and got some cute stuff :) Then we had a delicious dinner at this little italian place and I had some yyuummyy carbonara! Anndd for dessert Erin and I got a chocolate glory!

That evening we went out dancing and got to see the Barcelona night life that never quits! We took the Metro and let me tell you I am really getting the hang of that thing, but publication transportation is still not on my good list lol! Inside the Metro Station is this GIGANTIC vending machine!

 I love the liveliness of the people here! There was even this ssuuppeerr old guy who danced the night away, it was hilarious! I am obsessed with the Shakira song Loca! They played lots of great music and we danced till our feet were begging us to stop! lol

Here is me and Erin, now for the oollddd guy! lol

LOL! Love it!!

Looking for fame in Spain,
Rachel :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 14 - Denia

Hola people!! Hope everyone had a wonderful day!! :) Today was like Friday for me bbeeccauuuseee tomorrow we are leaving for Barcelona for the weekend! Yaayy! I am so excited! Erin, Andre, Brittany and I spent ALL afternoon at the beach and it was so wonderful and relaxing! We had our little lounge chairs and an umbrella, so it was rocking like a cabana! lol!

Our little cabana, how cute!!

I made Erin do a photo shoot for me! :) Look how preciosa! hahaha

Then I did some drawing in the sand :)

I love you Ro and wish you were here!! xoxox

Then we watched the sunset and it was gorgeous! Love these girls!

Looking for Fame in Spain,

Rachel :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 13 - Denia

Hello friends/fans!

Today has been full of kidddss and studying! I had class this morning and then we helped out with the kids camp here at Alfa y Omega and they are SO cute! I have the 3-5 year olds and they are just precious! Today we colored birthday cakes, played on the playground and went swimming. I felt like I was back being a camp counselor.

I colored with Ethan and he and I are just two peas in a pod because he wanted his whooolleee cake to be chocolate! I said what color do you want to make your cake and he said "brown, I love chocolate!" and then he said he wanted the candles to be chocolate too hahaha! too cute!

Ethan in his cute hat coloring with me!

All finished! He kept acting like he was going to eat it and it was adorable! He is only 4 and speaks spanish and english!!

Usually I hang out with Pablo, so he came over and took a picture with me too! He is presh and usually wears his hair slicked to the side looking like a future senator! :)

Pablo is adorbable!

Then the kids went swimming and they were so cute!

Precious!!! Now for my favorite little kiddos!

This is Diego, Juan Pablo, anndd Alejandro!

They are so cute and are always cracking me up! Especially Diego with his adorable outfits, you would love them Austin!

Looking for Fame in Spain,

Rachel :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 12- Denia

Hola hola hola!

So today was a nice little day! :) A lot of people planned to go the beach, but since I got so much sun yesterday I decided to do the next best thing..... SHOP! :)

Erin, Brittany, Lauren and I went downtown an into tons of little shops! On the walk there we passed this Pringle's Machine thing and it really intrigued me lol! It was so weird!

See! Anyway we went to a BUNCH of shoe stores they love those here! Heather you would be in Heaven, but probably spent like a billion dollars... i mean euros ;)

Erin is going to buy some of those Spanish style Toms!

We went to a make up store and Lauren and I found some nail polish with the coolest bottles ever! She got a dark red and I can't wait to use it! :)

Anyway then we went to a bunch of places with dresses, so I was in trouble! lol Actually, I was so good and just got dos on sale! :) But this one lady who worked at this store was super rude and I almost didn't get the dress, but it was too cute to pass! lol

Yay shopping! LOVE YOU ALL!!

Looking for Fame in Spain,
Rachel :)

Day 11 - Denia

Hello fans! hahaha, just kidding! I do love how people read my blog because it makes me feel famous ;) 

Annyyywaayyy I am going to write A LOT more today, because my office has received some complaints stating that my entries were getting short and lame, but I don't want to drop any names...heather! But in response to that complaint, I have been super busy and haven't had a lot of time to spend on the computer.

Ok, so Monday Monday! Well we had clase in the manana and I had my first test, which went pretty well :) then to celebrate we had a fabbuullouuss day!

After lunch Lauren, Erin, Valenica and I headed down to spend the afternoon on la playa! We walked, which is about a 30 minute walk (friends you should be proud) , but on the way there we ALL had to ppeeee SO bad! I of course wanted some ice cream so we used the bathroom there, which if you think about it pretty much means that my love for ice cream saved the day! 

We got to the beach and seriously the weather could not have been any better!! We rented some lounge chairs from the eye candy bartender (don't worry ro, good looking but bartender?? we all know how expensive i am lol) any way we literally were out in the sun for almost 4 hours and booyyy did I get some sun! We had an iHome and were jamming to Shakira, Enrique, and Camila so we def blended in ;) hahaha! 

After the beach we decided to head to the grocery store pick up some snacks, because this getting home late and having access to no food, is not working for us lol! We went back to "Consum" and I got some yummy treats, but while Lauren and I were waiting for Erin and Valenica to check out you will never guessed what happened!!!

Well, we were standing by the door waiting and this creeper looking guy walked like really fast past us out of the store and then this lady who worked at the store was running after him yelling "oye, oye!!" She got him to stop and then we saw him pull up his shirt and he pulled out 2 HUGE things of boxed juice from his PANTS! He was trying to steal, but got busted! (PS-Mea, i feel that is something that would happen to you lol!) It was crazy! I was stunned and they just took the juice and let him go, so different from America! Valencia was like "seriously, how lame why would you steal juice!!" lol!

That night we decided to keep with them enjoying ourselves so decided to go to this Irish Pub. We all looked so great because we had gotten so much sun!

At first I was not super excited to go to this Irish place, because the last time we went I didn't really like it, but last night was so fun! The bartenders loved us and they were playing all my right music, I'm talking Shakira - Loca Loca and this aaammazziinngg song called Fast 5, which if you haven't heard you should probably go look at RIGHT NOW! 

After Erin and I danced the night away as you see above we were so tired and decided to take a cab home, buuuttt first we were starving and wanted some food! Our taxi driver must have hated us because we made him take us to Burger King anndd McDonalds, but BOTH were closed :( Lucckkiillyyy I had snacks! lol ;) Anyway great day and night hope you liked this hurricane hunting heather! 

Looking for fame in Spain, 

Rachel :)